Welcome to My Blog
Here is a masonry blog layout with no sidebarEVERY Day is “Bring Your Mindfulness to Work” Day!
We spend a good portion of our time reliving the past and pre-living the future. And while reminiscing and planning are important human activities, they often get in the way of our productivity. How much more effective would we be at work if we were fully present?
What Dead Poets’ Society Taught Us About Being a Teacher
As educators, administrators, friends, and neighbors, let’s remember that the most important thing we do is create a compassionate community for meaningful connection with students. It is our cultivated awareness, engagement, and authenticity that allow us to do this in our work with young people.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose. It’s meta-awareness — awareness of your awareness! It’s noticing when your attention has wandered, and then bringing your awareness back to the sensations, thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the present moment.
Mindful Parenting Q & A
Staying calm during the stressful times, coping with kids growing up too fast, creating meaningful family rituals, and more…
Mindful Mantras for Teachers
During tough moments in the classroom, we can call upon the inner stillness that is always with us, the stillness we cultivate in formal practice. A simple mantra can help us create space for a kind response to our students, instead of an unthinking and unskillful reaction.
How Mindfulness Changes Your Life
Mindfulness changes how we relate to life. And that’s life-changing!
Why We Need Mindfulness in Schools
When I teach mindfulness to high school students, they tell me they use mindfulness practices to help them focus in class, to remain calm when something upsets them, and to deal with stress and anxiety. When I teach mindfulness to teachers, they shared with me that mindfulness has made them more attentive and compassionate in their work with students.
10 Ways to Teach Mindfulness to Kids
Mindfulness is good for kids! There is an emerging body of research that indicates that mindfulness can help children improve their abilities to pay attention, to calm down when they are upset, and to make better decisions. In short, it helps with emotional regulation and cognitive focus.
So where do we start? How can we teach these important skills to our children?