Mindfulness supports the social-emotional components of
better focus and concentration
decreased stress and anxiety
increased empathy and understanding of others
improved impulse control and self-awareness
increased sense of calm
greater emotional awareness and regulation
improvement in executive function
development of natural conflict resolution skills
Mindful Kids and Mindful Teens
The Mindful Kids and Mindful Teens programs are based on the Mindful Schools (R) curriculum.
We deliver powerful programs that teach students essential skills for attention and focus, self-regulation, emotional awareness, stress management, and kindness and empathy, taught by a Certified Mindfulness Instructor.
Each lesson teaches students about one aspect of mindfulness, and includes practice time and discussion.
Each program includes:
- 10 lessons over 10 weeks. Each lesson is approximately 15-20 minutes for K-5 students, and 30-40 minutes for 6-12 students. (Program length, and individual session
length, can be customized to meet your needs). - two training sessions for teachers (each approximately 30 minutes long — one at the beginning of the program and one follow-up session after program completion.)
- workbooks with mindfulness activities for each student (K-5 grades only) — handouts provided for students grade 6 and up
- a mindfulness manual for the classroom teacher
- a bell for each classroom to continue mindfulness practice after the program ends
- mindfulness manuals for parents
- one parent meeting (held in the evening) to introduce parents to mindfulness and the Mindful Kids or Mindful Teens program, and to provide ways for families to practice mindfulness together

The Mindful Kids and Mindful Teens programs include the following lessons:
- Mindful listening and communication
- Mindful breathing
- Body awareness
- Generosity
- Mindfulness of thoughts
- Mindfulness of emotions/emotional awareness
- Gratitude
- Kindness and caring on the playground (and/or in the halls)
- Mindful movement and mindful walking
- Mindful test-taking
- Skills for dealing with anxiety
- How the brain works
*All student programs are in-person programs led by a Certified Mindfulness Instructor. We do not sell or distribute curricula to schools.
Customized programs are also available to meet the needs of your students, families, and staff.
The Mindful Student
mindfulness + study skills
The Mindful Student is an innovative program that combines mindfulness practice and study skills instruction for students in grades 9-12. This course is designed for students of all ability levels. It is especially helpful for students transitioning to high school or beginning to take advanced courses. It is also beneficial for students who experience school-related stress and test anxiety.
The Mindful Student includes guided instruction and practice on the following:
Study skills and strategies based on the latest research in learning and cognition — topics include:
- Managing your time (and how to stop procrastinating)
- Studying efficiently (working smarter, not harder)
- Reading challenging texts
- Preparing for, and taking, tests
- Making study groups effective
Mindfulness practices to develop greaterconcentration and focus, and healthy habits of mind — topics include:
- Mindful breathing and mindful awareness strategies
- Managing stress and anxiety
- Finding balance
- Dealing with test anxiety
- Developing a growth mindset

Schools or districts interested in offering this course to their students can contact us here.